Tuesday, November 15, 2016

My best friend

                                                                   Dearest Marley
                                                              November 15th, 2016
                                                           Rest in peace, darling girl.


  1. Sad news. I still see and hear and miss my two cats, even though the last one died almost two years ago. (I still find hair, too.)

  2. I just can't believe it. The house is so empty.

  3. So sorry, Liv! Will be thinking of you.

  4. oh Liv, how they break our hearts. Crying with you. Wish I could just hug you big and hard. I still grieve for every kitty I've ever lost.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. I just don't know what to say to anybody.

  5. My heart is breaking for you oh love this is the worst. So so sorry.

    1. It doesn't feel like a home anymore, it just feels like a house.

  6. Oh, Liv. This make me so sad for you. So sorry. Truly. xo

    1. I can't think of enough words to describe her, beauty, love, innocence, faithfulness, joy, fragile and strong. I've had 4 pets in the last 20 years, 2 dogs and 2 cats, although we love them all, I think she was the most steady, the most "there" for me. Time doesn't make sense right now. We heal, but now is hard.xoxo

    2. I love Norbert so much but I know what you mean. My last cat, Harriet was like that. It was like she knew I was depressed and wanted to help make me better. A gentle soul.

  7. Oh Liv I am sorry. It hurts so much when they go. The joy of sharing love with an animal makes life beautiful. Hug to you.

    1. It does, it's very painful. Thank you, Maggie. Hug your little baby animals tight tonight.
      Love, Liv

  8. I am so sorry about your love. I know how much this hurts. Joanne

    1. Well, if you know Joanne, then you've lost a beloved pet of your own. I'm sorry for your loss too. Thank you for your comment.

  9. So sorry for your loss. It is hard to lose these furry friends.

  10. so sad to read of your loss of your little darling... they grab such a big part of our hearts it hurts so much when they leave.. however she is at that rainbow bridge with all the other animals and having a whale of a time til you see her again... as you see, I have returned, ad will be back in touch all the best dear liv despite this horrible election result...

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Yes, it has been quite a year for us and you over there in Britain. Hope springs eternal....

  11. I was thinking about you today. Just wanted you to know. xo

  12. Thank You! I was thinking about you about 15 minutes ago. I went to the kitchen to get choc.cake & milk, because I don't feel good....go figure :( and I thought Birdie lost 20 lbs. I should be good - but then I got the cake. I will regret this soon (ah ha! I will have to have a regret box too.) I was also thinking of you because I finished the book...and I don't quite understand it, which probably is precisely the reason you sent it to me. That is so embarrassing. How can I not get it (well, I sort of get it) Anyway, I was thinking of you too, and your comment made me feel less lonely, I hope mine was good for you tooxoxo

  13. Replies
    1. Love is love, no matter where you find it. Thanks, E.
