Friday, March 17, 2017

Pink is a kind color ***

I certainly didn't expect this.

I took a walk around the property yesterday and was so surprise, turning around a corner to go down to the creek, when I was wide eyed struck by beauty that I didn't expect.  It is still a pretty rainy spring - four days away - but some things do get a jump on it out of sheer joy, I think, at finally being released from the grip of winter.
I'm afraid my camera doesn't do justice to them, perhaps I need a lesson from Carl. They look like peony camellias, a pink I can happily live with. Placed here, they are like a prayer to compassion and mercy. It's, as usual, a grey and damp day but when I look deep into the center it reminds me that there is still joy, there is still beauty in this world that is lately clouded by chaos.

***   An addendum.......this is hysterical .    I have the most god awful grey-mouse hair.  If it's not colored (bleached) people always say...."Is something wrong?"  "Don't you feel well?"  "You look so sad." hahaha  I am additionally blessed with straight, limp, thin hair.  One more thing to envy you about if you are not cursed blessed ....  if you don't have it.  I dyed it this morning.  The pluuuh grey was scary evident as I haven't been well and I let it all go too long.  It didn't come out it's usual bright and happy platinum, it came out slightly corn and dry as a broom, so I decided to use the whole conditioning tube to soften it up a little.  The conditioner is slightly violet, that's supposed to keep the yellow out.  I left it on for about an hour, I'm the person that, sometimes, thinks if a little is good, a lot will be better...........I now have a whole swath of pink hair.  I can only laugh, I'm going to leave it, it's kind of cherry cheery. 


  1. I love those shades of pink in the flowers! The flowers are a great antidote to a gray day!

    1. Parsimony...I'm that way too.
      Read the addendum above - life is indeed full of surprises!

  2. Yes,there is. Hang on to it. It is the best we have.

  3. Pink flowers. Pink hair. You and your flowers match. And I would love a picture of your hair!

    1. HA! I remember when you had the ends of your hair colored, can't remember the color, but then that's because you never showed it :)

    2. Didn't I? I need to get it done again. It was purple last time. I'm thinking of blue. But purple is easier and cheaper because it's already done and won't have to be bleached again.

  4. A pink swath sounds tres punk! I finally get to retire soon, one of the first things I want to do is have purple or blue hair. I adore peonies and those are beautiful. Glad you are doing better.

    1. Punk - that's the word I was looking for. Go with blue, I think purple has become cliche :)

  5. Love them. I too thought they were peonies (but I am dreadful at flowers); my great-grandmother's yard was filled w/them, so any time I see them now they bring me joy.

    I stopped coloring my is almost snow white (at 54!). Right now it is a blend of blonde and white...we must just embrace what we've got, I guess!

    1. I would be happy to embrace it if it were a mix of natural blond and white. But mine? Not so much.

  6. Replies
    1. You're right, I guess I got lucky with that one!

  7. oh and I love camellias but have never been able to grow them. I can't grow basil either no matter where I plant it.

  8. This is gorgeous. Spring is almost here. Blossoms on our trees in the garden and birds chirping away merrily.

    Greetings from London.

    1. I love that morning and evening tweet. Always best to have the bed/chair near a window.

  9. Love the idea of pink hair, actually! I always like to see those women with blue and green hair like mermaids.
    Great pics of the flowers shining in that grey light.

  10. Think I'll put a streak of blue!

  11. Those camellias look so beautiful -- and I imagine your pink hair does, too. I love pink these days -- just put the palest, watery pink linen sheets on my bed!

    1. I never thought I would like pink, but yes, just the palest shade.

  12. pink to go with the camellias! your hair color is very hip and now, my dear.

    1. I'm considering intensifying it - deeper pink. But then my wardrobe does not match hip at all!!
